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Waxing Chaos
It wasn’t the time of the call; Blake was used to that, and he was a light sleeper - call it the nature of the job. When the call at 1AM is from your doctor, that raised both eyebrows.
Cold Hearted
“This is the Qualicare Refrigerator Customer Service Line. My name is Natalie. How may I help you?”
“This is Eileen Mayers. Is this who I call when my fridge acts funny?”
A Helping Hand
Panic laced its fingers through Greg Eskew. I’ve got us lost, put us in danger.
If I Were a Blackbird
The feathers started as the coarse black hairs that grew out of the mole between my human shoulder blades.
The Implausible End of Everything
Alex DeNozia worked nights. He was a forklift driver at a warehouse in Colorado Springs, and it was his job to load up product onto trailers for next day delivery after the other guys on shift had organized the product onto pallets by type and destination.
The Daughter of Tem
Creeping, October fog lay thick around the Chamberlain Hotel’s empty veranda and clung close to the windows, like fragile, but heavy hands pounding silently on the thick, leaded glass.
Sigils for Bullies
Brent mowed him over just before practice started. The coaches were in the field house and other players were still suiting up, leaving the few witnesses available conveniently looking the other way.
Elise was sitting in the rear passenger seat of her parent's car, and her mother was driving. She was small enough that she was not allowed to sit in the front passenger seat.
Dark Harbor Magazine Issue #001
The first issue of Dark Harbor Magazine has arrived, and it’s filled with seven unforgettable stories. These aren’t just tales of fright. Each one is an exploration of what it means to be human when the world becomes strange, eerie, or downright unsettling.